Why you should consider our services?

Redesign Your Life : 1 to 1 Consultancy


  • You can prioritize yourself and yet be loved by your near and dear one’s
  • You can speak up your mind yet be valued by your boss and colleagues.
  • You can stand up for yourself without getting misunderstood.

8 Weeks Journey

  • Phase 1- Recognize the Roadblocks
  • Phase 2- Remove the Roadblocks
  • Phase 3- Co-create a New Roadmap
  • Phase 4- Upwards and Onwards

Meet with Vasudha, once every week.

Celebrity / C-Suite Program

Mindfully Curated 9 Weeks Program
For Fashion Professionals / Sportsmen / Influencers / C-Suite Leaders

Especially curated for professionals and careers laden with pressure to perform and being judged and scrutinised, topped with very high probability to rejections.

Learn how to brush off rejection and disguised friends, connecting with your inner self to draw love, acceptance and energy to attain your dream. Learn to prioritize yourself despite demands of time and people you work for. Above all, your heart and mind to be successful and loved at the same time.

Resign or Redesign : A Signature Program

Two Day Event

An Intensive Proven System which can help you with your goals, productivity, prosperity and relationships. Loads of discussions, fun-filled group activities: 

  • Regain the hope if you feel like giving up on life, interpersonal relationships or career.
  • Nab the pattern of negativity or what I call the cycle of viciousness to break (in relationships and career) and tips on how to break each of them.
  • How to forge a new relationship- loving, caring and forgiving-for yourself.

• Create a New Redesigned Life Map in the seminar itself.

Coming Soon, April 2024

A Personal Mastery Program

Peak Leadership Mastery

Especially designed for Founders, Start Ups , C-suite and Top Manager

Provides you with the tools and strategies to achieve better emotional health and avoid burnout by tapping into the power of selflove and self awareness

STOP TOXIC HUSTLING - Be a Tough Leader with Soft Emotions
